Grab their attention with a great landing

Astronauts aren’t the only ones who count on great landings. The quality of your landing pages can mean all the difference when it comes to getting conversions.

Online today.

By now, it should be clear that your business needs a well developed website to stay competitive and get ahead in today’s marketplace. We know that there are many effective ways to grab customers’ attention online and draw them into your business. You may have even heard of this thing called a landing page but, maybe you’re not sure what it is or how to properly use it. Well I’m here today to explain what they are and how they can be used to increase conversions on your website.

What is a landing page?

Let me start by saying what a landing page is not. Home page, about or service pages – not. A good landing page is not part of the main navigation or body of a website.

Instead, a landing page is a page that stands alone. It is created with the exclusive purpose of supporting a specific goal or promotion and to bring the visitor to take action.

Conversion funnel that shows how landing pages work to get visitors to take action.

Why it matters.

Say for example, you have an online camping store and you are offering the promotion “Buy a Radiotown flashlight, get a 2nd one at 50% “. Your ad is then designed and is set to appear before users doing online searches for flashlights and related items.

Now let’s say the user clicks the ad and it takes her to your store’s homepage where there is lots of information but, no sign of the promotion that drew her in. If you are very lucky, maybe she spends some time looking for the promotion item. This is very unlikely though since the average visitor spends only about 15 secs on a website, unless they see what they want right away. Instead, it is more likely that she winds up feeling misdirected. Becoming frustrated, she then abandons your site without making a purchase.

Enter, the landing page. Let’s take the above example again but, this time let’s say that instead, when the visitor clicks the ad she is brought directly to a page that shows the exact ad item, the promotion and a button that says “purchase”. Now she doesn’t have to search for the item, and with the clear call to action, she knows exactly what to do next. In just a few clicks, she has made her purchase.

See the difference? The direct approach of a well built landing page has more power to convert visitors. When done correctly it will grab the user’s attention and make taking action easy.

After reading this article, I hope its easy to see why landing pages are an essential part of a successful online marketing strategy. If you are ready to have unique attention grabbing landing pages created just for you, reach out and let me know.

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